Friday, September 11, 2009


dulu. Kenapa skrng gue jadi suka memakai kata dulu ya?
Well, mungkin itu dikarenakan gue memang suka mengenang sesuatu.

Tapi yg ini beda. Dulu..
3bulan yg lalu he's just love me wholehartedly.
Now, when I said," udah ada yg lain ya?" He said,"nggak juga"

What is that all means? Nothing? Mybe for you it's mean nothing at all. For me? Everything.

Sakit hati? Kalo ditanya gitu sih, gue bisa menjamin pasti! Tapi, ini mgkn karma.

Dulu, gue seenak jidat gk angkat tlfn dia. Skrng? Dia gk nelfon gue yg semaput. Ckckck. Oh GOD please, what should I do?

Jeger.. Gue beneran binggung. Apa gue harus ninggalin dia? Lupain, terus biarin aja dia sm yg lain?

Kalo mau nya begitu mungkin bisa gue lakukan tapi it's all needs time.
Tapi apa dia jg mau hal yg sama? Kalo gitu caranya, both of us harus ngelupain TOTAL.

Total means : I should erase every little memory about him.
It means I should let him go. Delete his phone number, his bb pin, and also his FB.
Hmm, kurang? Gk tau deh musti gimana lagi.

Dear the person that I mean, you know every little things that I feel and every tears drop falling from my eyes. You know everysingle time I can't stop thinking about you.

You have to know. That I really really really really dissapointed, hopeless, confuse. I don't know what should I do.

Honeylovebabe signout



danianajmi said...

who is he ly? why didn't you tell me anything? well, i think you don't need to be that extreme to forget about him maybe someday you'll need him for other things then you don't have any of his numbers or anything to contact him. from my point of view, the best thing to do is pray and talk to some one about this and cry it out. if you feel that it doesn't work, well, just remember that time heals. i know you're a strong girl like i've told you before and i'm not saying this just because you're my friend but because you ARE strong. you can always contact me when you need help ly, you know that :D

Nisa Alifia said...

lyk i said ly, just keep living even it so hurts to let gim go. you can, :) lupain kalo dia beneran udah ngehindar gitu. tp kalo dia msh keliatan memberi kesempatan, lanjutkan hihi mwah